
April 15, 1998
Dear John Jonanassen:
'm not sure if you'll remember me, but I hope so. My name is Michelle Kube, Executive Producer of KFI Radio in Los Angeles, and Producer of the Bill Handel Show, We spoke last July soon after the accident that happend to your daughter. I am writing to you now, because I saw an article in the O.C. Register last week about your daughter Shanelle speaking at some schools in the Orange County area regarding her experience. I admire her bravery in bringing the most important message about guns to light to young people, and I'm Hoping to extend that message to the million people that listen to us each week, In the wake of the Jonesboro, Arkansas shootings, the topics of kids and guns seems to be in the forefront of everyone's mind, Whether accidental or intentional shootings, the issue of a cild's access to guns in the home is the same.
I am hoping that the three of you will consider appearing on Bill's show together to share your experience, along with the very emotional 911 call, so that we can try to prevent this from happening again to someone else, and to let parents know that they need to be responsible, even more so if they consider keeping a gun in a home with children. thank you in advance for any consideration you may give this.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Michelle A. Kube
Executive Producer
KFI Radio 213-251-3176
"We teach, we tickle, we torture.....
KFI-AM 640, More Stimulating Talk Radio!........
610 South Ardmore Ave.
Los Angeles, California 90005
(213) 1395-0101
A Member of the KFI/KOST Family
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