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"We really need to educate our parents. When will they ever learn to keep guns locked up?"
Venado Middle School in Santa Ana, California
Shanelle meets with children after a Stop Our Shootings assembly.
"If you see a gun, run -- run away as fast as you can!," she tells the children.

Educate Our Children

Children Teaching Adults Real Dangers of Playing with Guns:
All children who have picked up a gun and accidentally shot someone were told not to play with guns.

Our Educational program teaches students first hand about the real dangers of guns as they see and hear from other young surviving children how lives are changed forever.  Students can't help but relay that message home to their parents.  To inquire about our Educational Program, please CONTACT US

Stop Our Shootings Educational Video: Click Here...

The students' responses:

Your story has made a difference in my life and made me realized that I should always stay away from guns, loaded or unloaded...
- Brian C.

I'm sure you have changed the lives of many teens by sharing your story, because you changed my perspective...
- Danielle K.

My brother has a gun and I always thought that it was pretty cool. I now realize that it is not cool but, it is dangerous. Almost everyone in society today thinks that guns are cool but after listening to your story, I do not know how they could think that. I 'm glad that you came to my class. It changed my mind about guns and it probably changed others ideas also...
- Brian W.

I hope you know that you speaking in front of a class really helps me see how guns could really mess up your life...
- Liz B.

I learned that guns are not cool and if you see a gun you should walk away from it. At home we have two handguns. At first I thought they were cool, but now I know they are dangerous. I think you should go around to other schools and tell the students to be gun free...
- Timmy C.

My dad has a 9mm semi-automatic and I don't know how many kids know about it but all of the young kids ask me to see it. I get so ticked off how they are so irresponsible. I tell them no and change the subject...
- Scott S.

It was better to hear about a shooting first hand from someone who was shot, than to just hear about it on the news when I normally would not pay any attention to it. Having you come to speak really made the situation sound more real and less far away, like it could not happen to me. What you have said has probably made a lot of kids think twice about touching or playing with a gun (even though you did not even touch the gun...
- Georgette K.

So I just want to say thanks and if it makes you feel any better I convinced my dad to lock up his gun and hide the bullets away from the gun...
- Trisha P.

I learned so much more from the real person than I do from books, magazines and, or newspapers.
- LeeAnn P.

You have informed me thoroughly about the horrible affects of gun violence.
- Monique D.

I have learned a lot from the information that you have taught me. I always thought that guns were a tool needed for any hero to have, but because of that day that you have spent with us, I have totally changed my believe...
- Silas C.

My dad had two guns. I don't know many kids know about it, but I've had several kids ask me if they could see the guns. I always change the subject, but before I do, I always say, "Why would you want to put yourself at risk? I wouldn't want to do that to myself and my friend." By speaking out, you have probably prevented a lot of deaths.
- Alaina T.

It's sad that something like this had to happen to a beautiful young lady like yourself. We all were honored for you to stop by and talk to every student. You gave me a valuable message about guns now I saw and heard what could happen. It can scar you for life, or even death at the worst...
- Brian D.

Meeting someone who has experience a tragedy because of gun violence really helps me realize that things like this can happen to you when you least expect it and change your life forever.
- Alina G.

Keep up your good work in speaking with others on the dangerous of guns. Especially hand guns. I am enclosing you a little something to help you in your endeavor. You are truly a god-sent sweetie very special, pretty and brave...
- Cacey H.