City of costa mesa
California 92628-1200 p.0. Box 1200
from the office of the mayor
November 2, 1998
Dear Mr. And Mrs. Johannessen:
This is in response to your recent letter regarding your proposed foundation. From the information in your letter, I understand that your daughter Shanelle was the victim of an unintentional shooting at a friend's house. It was a blessing that she survived and now chooses to share her experience with her peers.
On behalf of the Costa Mesa City Council, I certainly support your efforts to educate school children on the dangers of handling guns. Good luck with your foundation.
Peter Buffa
Mayor of Costa Mesa
FAX (714) 754-5330 - 77 FAIR DRIVE (714) 7S4-S2a5 - TDD (714) 754-5244
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